

to Fishsim.net, a personal website containing a mass of information about the Fishing Simulator game series as well as a whole host of other information.

If you're a regular visitor you may have noticed the site has had a revamp ( March 2010 ). It is still very similar to the old site however it is a lot better organised and easier to navigate by using the menu on the right >>


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Latest site events

Date NameTypeEvent
28/3/2025 10:36zoltanRecordNew record Koi Carp ( 4. 938 Kg ) at Anglers Paradise Lakes, Pixie
*APPLAUSE*(admin)TrophyCongratulations Antonis on winning todays trophy
27/3/2025 20:46AndrewTrophyFish catch added : - 12 lb, 5 oz, 10 dr
27/3/2025 20:46AndrewTrophyFish catch added : - 4 lb, 3 oz, 10 dr
27/3/2025 20:46AndrewTrophyFish catch added : - 11 lb, 15 oz, 8 dr
27/3/2025 20:46AndrewTrophyFish catch added : - 11 lb, 6 oz, 2 dr
27/3/2025 20:46AndrewTrophyNew angler joined with a - 10 lb, 2 oz, 3 dr
27/3/2025 20:2AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 13 lb, 10 oz, 10 dr
27/3/2025 20:2AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 16 lb, 0 oz, 15 dr
27/3/2025 20:2AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 15 lb, 11 oz, 14 dr
27/3/2025 20:2AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 14 lb, 4 oz, 8 dr
27/3/2025 20:2AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 9 lb, 1 oz, 13 dr
27/3/2025 20:2AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 16 lb, 6 oz, 0 dr
27/3/2025 20:2AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 12 lb, 1 oz, 14 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 8 lb, 1 oz, 6 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 16 lb, 2 oz, 6 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 7 lb, 15 oz, 11 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 7 lb, 1 oz, 9 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 16 lb, 13 oz, 9 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 13 lb, 7 oz, 14 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 9 lb, 2 oz, 15 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 8 lb, 12 oz, 13 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 7 lb, 5 oz, 14 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 8 lb, 11 oz, 8 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 8 lb, 7 oz, 11 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : - 7 lb, 11 oz, 10 dr
27/3/2025 19:59john nighthawkTrophyNew angler joined with a - 4 lb, 6 oz, 3 dr
27/3/2025 15:25AntonisTrophyFish catch added : - 13 lb, 9 oz, 8 dr
27/3/2025 13:59AntonisTrophyNew angler joined with a - 11 lb, 14 oz, 6 dr
27/3/2025 13:38zoltanRecordNew record Linear Carp ( 4. 883 Kg ) at Anglers Paradise Lakes, Main Carp
27/3/2025 13:3neposeda_israilTrophyNew angler joined with a - 5 lb, 10 oz, 4 dr
26/3/2025 13:40ViyImproved species : Perch - from 0 lb, 11 oz, 12 dr to 1 lb, 7 oz, 15 dr
26/3/2025 13:40ViyNew species : Brown trout - 0 lb, 5 oz, 13 dr
26/03/2025 08:45SimonaAccolade** CONGRATULATIONS ** Record catch league winner - week 1
26/3/2025 7:59TadziuRecordNew record Grass carp ( 6. 761 Kg ) at Anglers Paradise Lakes, Kracking Carp
*APPLAUSE*(admin)TrophyCongratulations Simona on winning todays trophy
25/3/2025 22:11zoltanRecordNew record Tench ( 4. 282 Kg ) at Anglers Paradise Lakes, Tench
25/3/2025 21:26SimonaTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 7 lb, 2 oz, 3 dr
25/3/2025 20:49SimonaTrophy**Tagged fish caught**
25/3/2025 20:49SimonaTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 7 lb, 15 oz, 7 dr
25/3/2025 20:49SimonaTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 7 lb, 3 oz, 10 dr
25/3/2025 20:49SimonaTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 7 lb, 7 oz, 12 dr
25/3/2025 20:49SimonaTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 6 lb, 12 oz, 11 dr
25/3/2025 20:13john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 4 lb, 5 oz, 3 dr
25/3/2025 20:12john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 5 lb, 0 oz, 9 dr
25/3/2025 20:1zoltanTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 2 lb, 1 oz, 15 dr
25/3/2025 19:54john nighthawkTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 5 lb, 9 oz, 12 dr
25/3/2025 19:44zoltanTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 7 lb, 5 oz, 3 dr
25/3/2025 19:29zoltanTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 7 lb, 12 oz, 13 dr
25/3/2025 19:29zoltanTrophyFish catch added : Barbel - 5 lb, 11 oz, 2 dr
25/3/2025 19:29zoltanTrophyNew angler joined with a Barbel - 6 lb, 6 oz, 8 dr


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